Jessi B.

Media Arts

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Check Out Jessi's Youtube

Greatness In The Shadows

G.I.T.S Media

Black Left Arrow

Jessi's Inspirational Story of Overcoming Adversity

Jessi was born prematurely at only 28 and a half weeks due to a fairly new medical diagnosis at the time called Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome. His first four months of life were spent in the hospital, also Jessi had two major surgeries before he turned six months old one of which required Jessi to wear a colostomy bag during those months. Unfortunately, Jessi's struggles did not end there. Due to his premature birth, he faced additional physical and cognitive challenges. Jessi's low birth weight also made him eligible for the Supplemental Security Income Disability Benefits Program.

Despite the odds stacked against him, Jessi's mother, a stay-at-home mom at the time, took the initiative to educate herself on disability laws and the Individualized Education Program by returning to school to pursue a Master's Degree in Special Education. With early interventions, the support of his three siblings, and the relentlessness of his mom as his advocate Jessi was able to overcome the mental labels that would trigger access barriers that often hold back African American boys. He fought for his education and the highest degree of accommodation and his basic civil right to attend college, which would ultimately set him up for success and bring him closer to his lifelong dream of becoming a media editor.

Today, Jessi is thriving thanks to programs like ours. We provide him with a sheltered workplace to film and produce basketball content for a local public high school. Additionally, we teach Jessi valuable entrepreneurial skills such as trademarking his logo and how to charge for freelance contracts. We also advocate for him in the workplace, ensuring that he has the resources he needs to succeed.

Jessi's story is truly remarkable, and we have no doubt that one day he will be recognized for his achievements. Keep an eye out for him at the Oscars – his story is one that deserves to be shared with the world.

Jessi's Needed Modifications

An Employer/Internship Provider In The Film/Media Industry with Diverse Learner Training that is also a High-Paying High Skilled Sheltered Workplace

State-of-the-art equipment to film and edit content for contracted clients this includes cameras, lighting, transport bags, laptop, desktop computer, software, and more.

Access to a graphic arts designer that is trained to work with people with disabilities

Safe and reliable transportation to and from work and rotating job sites that simulate close family members being Jessi's transportation access.

A larger dorm room at college to allow for living, studying, and film editing space at an affordable rate to satisfy Jessi's preference to room alone but within a larger community building to provide access to social events and participation like basketball and football games or watching movies as a group which is one of Jessi's favorite past times.

Touch Base Tuesday is an assigned high paying-highly skilled field shelter workplace-trained social worker who checks in on program participants to make sure their voice is heard and checks on their needs and access their comfortability and success with the program and troubleshoot any issues or concerns.

Acceptance into a 4-year College or University with a top film/media program that is trained to work with students with special needs that is not too far from his family that gives Jessi independence while also the sense that help is close by if he ever needs anything or is just simply having a tough day of overstimulation and emotional anxiety.

Man Holding Clapper Board
Internship Checklist Concept
Silhouette of Film Production Crew in a Studio

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Chicago, IL

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